The price of gold in the local market has reached a new all-time high, increasing by Rs. 500 per tola. According to the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association’s official website, fine gold is currently being traded at Rs. 112,500 per tola, while Tejabi gold is being traded at Rs. 111,950 per tola. Yesterday, the rates were maintained at Rs. 112,000 and Rs. 111,450 per tola, respectively.
Just the day before, gold prices had already reached an all-time high in Nepal, with fine gold priced at Rs. 112,000 per tola and Tejabi gold priced at Rs. 111,450 per tola. The continuous rise in gold prices has prompted discussions on the reasons behind the significant increase of Rs. 3,900 per tola in just two days in Nepal.
In addition to gold, the price of silver has also experienced an increase of Rs. 15 per tola. Currently, silver is being traded at Rs. 1,410 per tola in the local market, compared to the previous day’s closing rate of Rs. 1,395 per tola.
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