Unique Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (UNLB) has recently announced its plan to issue a Follow on Public Offer (FPO) to the general public. The company aims to release 3,79,425 unit shares with a face value of Rs. 100 starting from the 11th of Jestha, 2080. The objective of this FPO is to collect Rs. 3.79 crore. The offer will be open until the 16th of Jestha, and if not fully subscribed, it may be extended until the 25th of Jestha, 2080.
Currently, the company’s paid-up capital stands at Rs. 11.06 crores, with 94.01% of shares (10,40,025 units) held by the promoters and 5.99% (66,300 units) held by the public shareholders. However, as per the regulations of the Banks and Financial Institutions Act of 2073 and the NRB, at least 30% of the issued capital must be retained by the public shareholders. To comply with this requirement, the company plans to issue 3,79,425 units of FPO shares to the general public. Following the FPO, the promoter-to-public share structure will change from 94:6 to 70:30.
It is worth noting that Unique Nepal Laghubitta had initially intended to issue an IPO for 2.70 lakh shares. However, due to a successful merger with Ghodighoda Laghubitta, the two companies commenced their joint operation on the 30th of Poush, 2078, under the name of Unique Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. Since Ghodighoda Laghubitta was already a publicly listed company, the merged entity has opted to issue an FPO to adjust its shareholding ratio.
Muktinath Capital Limited has been appointed as the issue manager for the FPO issuance. Interested individuals can apply for a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 1000 units. Following the issuance of the mentioned FPO shares, the company’s paid-up capital will increase to Rs. 14.85 crores.
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