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Siddhartha Insurance’s (SIL) 9% Bonus Shares are Currently Listed on the NEPSE

Siddhartha Insurance Limited (SIL) has launched 11,59,200 unit bonus shares on NEPSE.

On Poush 29, 2079, the firm had its 21st Annual General Meeting, at which the 9.4737% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79 was approved. A 9% bonus share and 0.4737% cash dividend (for tax purposes) from the paid-up capital of Rs. 1.28 Arba were recommended at the board of directors meeting on Poush 7. As a result, the proposal included bonus shares worth Rs. 11.59 crores and cash dividends of Rs. 61.01 lakh.

The same bonus shares are now on the NEPSE list. Last week, SIL finished at Rs. 611.


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