Earn Money Nepal

P/L kasari calculate vayo yo. Someone explain.

Yo MBL ko LTP 275.90 cha ani wacc chai 281.29 cha ani profit 2% deko cha. Kasari calculate vayo yo? Can someone please explain me this?

500 units 304 ma kineko ra 66 units bonus aako cha. Yo bonus lae garda ho jasto lagcha idk k ho. Someone explain me this.

View on r/NepalStock by GoalPsychological453


  1. Aba wacc vaneko ta per share cost with added broker cost ho. So profit and loss is calculated according to wacc. Ani profit/loss vaneko chahi (ltp-wacc)/wacc *100. I think this explains ani tyo bonus le price adjust vako huncha tehi vayera hola.


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