The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) index gained 12.73 points today, closing at 1,869.73, which is a 0.69% increase from the last trading day. The index had a low of 1,846.67 and a high of 1,875.26 during the day, opening at 1,856.97. The trading volume was 276 scrips traded via 20,655 transactions, with a total of 2,533,714 shares exchanged, amounting to Rs. 73.26 Crores in turnover, higher than the previous day’s turnover of Rs. 62.02 Crores.
NABIL Bank Limited Promotor Share (NABILP) was the most traded stock and had the highest turnover of Rs. 4.5 crores, closing at a market price of Rs. 474 per share. NIBL Growth Fund (NIBLGF) gained the highest 9.86% for the day, while NMB Debenture 8.50% – 2087/88 (NMBD87/88) lost the highest 5.85%.
All sector indices closed in the green, with “Non-Life Insurance” gaining the highest 1.55%, and “Investment” gaining the least 0.32% today.
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