The price of gold has observed a decline of Rs. 800 per tola today, as reported by the official website of the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association. The current value of fine gold is reported at Rs. 1,18,400 per tola, representing a decrease from its stable position the previous day at Rs. 1,19,200 per tola. Simultaneously, Tejabi gold is being traded at Rs. 1,17,850 today, reflecting a reduction of Rs. 800 per tola from its previous rate of Rs. 1,18,650 per tola.
Contrasting the recent decrease, on December 4, 2023, fine gold had achieved a historic high of Rs. 1,21,600 per tola, and Tejabi gold had surged to Rs. 1,21,000, marking a record at that time.
Furthermore, silver has also witnessed a decrease of Rs. 20 per tola, with the current market rate standing at Rs. 1,480 per tola, compared to its closing rate of Rs. 1,500 per tola the day before.
The global decline in gold prices, now at $2,020.50 per ounce, has had a notable impact on the domestic bullion market. Concurrently, silver is being traded at $24.20 per ounce on the international market.
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