In the domestic market today, the price of gold has seen a notable increase, surging by Rs. 600 per tola. The official website of the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association (FENEGOSIDA) reports that fine gold is currently being traded at Rs. 111,800 per tola, marking a significant rise from yesterday’s rate of Rs. 111,200 per tola. Likewise, Tejabi gold is now valued at Rs. 111,250 per tola, as opposed to the previous day’s rate of Rs. 110,650 per tola.
In addition to the increase in gold prices, silver has also experienced a modest uptick, rising by Rs. 10 per tola. Presently, silver is being traded in the local market at Rs. 1,395 per tola, whereas it closed at Rs. 1,385 per tola the day before.
It’s worth noting that the current international rates for these precious metals stand at USD $1,915.40 per ounce for gold and $22.90 per ounce for silver. These fluctuations in gold and silver prices can have implications for investors and consumers alike, and they often reflect broader economic trends and market dynamics.
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