
  • Market Weekend Discussion (Thursday Dec 21 – Saturday Dec 23, 2023)

    Market Weekend Discussion (Thursday Dec 21 – Saturday Dec 23, 2023)

    Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch this weekend and in the coming days.

    As always, the rules still apply.

    **Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker Issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** DO NOT create another post.

    BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](


    * what to buy or sell,
    * or what bank to buy,
    * or what insurance to buy,
    * yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
    * IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

    will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

    Happy Investing!

    View on r/NepalStock by AutoModerator

  • Suggestion chaiyo decision lina garo paryo..k garne hola guyz??

    Suggestion chaiyo decision lina garo paryo..k garne hola guyz??

    3200 huda naramro le faseko xu..nabil 1400 prvu 485,pcbl 480,hbl 510,nimb 400…safe hunxa vanera bank ma haleko namaja le fasyo…80k jati xa kun ma averaging garda thik hola daju haru??🙏🙏

    View on r/NepalStock by Interesting-Ad1152

  • Be Careful with these stocks !!!!

    Be Careful with these stocks !!!!

    Promoter share unlocked vayepachhi market ma dherai nai supply aauchha..

    Yo stocks haru ma trading garda ali bichar purayerai garna parchha….

    Viber/telegram group haru ma yei stocks haru ko lagi suggestion aaucha, aayo vandaima kini halni haina ni…

    View on r/NepalStock by sapiens_dot_exe

  • What happened to Capital Tax gain deducted by Brokers?

    What happened to Capital Tax gain deducted by Brokers?

    I have doing trading from 2020 (portfolio less than 10L) and have bought and sold shares numerous times. But I came to know recently that my broker ( 19) haven’t deposited single amount of capital gain tax to Income tax department till now. I had already provided my PAN when creating broker account. Is it the same situation for you all?

    View on r/NepalStock by BijayUprety

  • Nepal ma options trading available xa ki nai? Shorting, borrowing, robinhood jasto kei xa ra?

    Nepal ma options trading available xa ki nai? Shorting, borrowing, robinhood jasto kei xa ra?


    View on r/NepalStock by These_Peace4280

  • Guys where do I read news related to share market in english?

    Guys where do I read news related to share market in english?

    Nepali ma sabda phutaunaie atti time lagxa, any English alternatives beside google translate?

    View on r/NepalStock by ums-007

  • can i only share certain stocks of certain price?

    can i only share certain stocks of certain price?

    So i have some stocks of Nabil i bought during Nepse 3200 peak, but i also bought some share of Nabil when Nepse was at the lowest. my WACC of total share is still above 700, but some share i bought during low are in profit. My question here is can i only sell the shares that i bought during Lows?

    View on r/NepalStock by OrchidEast5164

  • Done EDIS after close of market on 2nd day – What are the consequences??

    Done EDIS after close of market on 2nd day – What are the consequences??

    Hello Folks,

    I put some GTC sold orders in TMS on Dec-20 and left it. Completely forgot to followup afterwards, my mistake.

    Then I got email from broker office yesterday Dec-21 saying my order was executed yesterday and I had to do EDIS before the market closes. The email was sent just before the market closed. I saw the email in some time and finalized the EDIS in mero share just before 5pm and let my broker know.

    I know there are some deadlines to settle the EDIS before the close of market the following day, which I have now breached.

    Will I be penalized for this? What additional penalty charges am i looking into?

    View on r/NepalStock by Medium-Emotion-8848

  • What is the process after Dividend is announced by the company?

    What is the process after Dividend is announced by the company?

    I am new and the share i bought which is NTC announced Dividend today.

    So, what is the process to receive the dividend?

    and when does the share price get adjusted? is it after the announcement or after they provide dividend?

    View on r/NepalStock by Tsukiknows

  • How dividend works (newbie question)?

    How dividend works (newbie question)?

    Last week dekhi dividend nai dividend ko news aaudai xa newbie ho so thorai silly questions haru hola aswer gardinu hola

    Dividend pauna ko lagi kati din samma hold garnu parne hunxa?

    Ani dividend announce vaye sake paxi buy garda dividend pauxa ki nai?

    View on r/NepalStock by ashish-kamat

  • Final Update to my free nepse portfolio tracker web app

    Final Update to my free nepse portfolio tracker web app

    Year ago, I made a [post]( here about the portfolio tracker that i was working on and after a month I made [another update]( about all the features. And here is the final update and changes:

    1. Removed subscription feature to make the app completely FREE
    2. Managed to cover most of the feedbacks that were received during these updates along with various bugs
    3. Improved flows to improve usability

    If you guys want to try out ( If you havenot yet), Signup process is easy and straight forward.

    Feedback, suggestions are always welcomed.

    Thank you!


    View on r/NepalStock by tata122

  • Daily Discussion Thread (Sunday – Dec 24, 2023)

    Daily Discussion Thread (Sunday – Dec 24, 2023)

    Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch today and in the coming days.

    As always, the rules still apply.

    **Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** >!DO NOT create another post.!<

    BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](


    * what to buy or sell,
    * or what bank to buy,
    * or what insurance to buy,
    * yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
    * IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

    will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

    Happy Investing!

    View on r/NepalStock by AutoModerator