Kalinchowk Darshan Limited (KDL) will issue its initial public offering (IPO) on Thursday, March 19, 2079. The allotment program will begin at 10 a.m. on the premises of the issue manager, Nabil Investment Banking Limited.
From the 3rd to the 6th of March, the company issued 896,400 units of Rs 100 face value shares to the general public in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) worth Rs 8.96 crore. Out of the total 10,80,000 units, 10%, or 108,000 units, were already issued and allotted to Nepalese citizens working abroad, 2%, or 21,600 units, were set aside for company employees, and 5%, or 54,000 units, were set aside for mutual funds.
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