Shall i use USD cash or travel card after finishing international trip?

Shall i use USD cash or travel card after finishing international trip? 1

I currently hold funds in both my international traveler account (2000 USD) and have an additional 200 USD in cash remained after my trip. I now need to transfer these funds to my regular bank account in Nepal, as i am running out of money. Would it be prudent to withdraw the money using dollar cash or travel card? I’ve been informed that the Nepalese government permits a yearly top-up of only USD 2500. Some bank representatives suggested opening a free dollar account and offered assistance with any further recommendations over card. Should I opt to exchange the usd cash or simply deposit the travel card dollars into the dollar account? It seems there may be some undisclosed nepal banking banking regulations at play.

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2 responses to “Shall i use USD cash or travel card after finishing international trip?”

  1. Ok_Throat8650 Avatar

    You can open a dollar account, some banks even offer interest in the dollar account. They’ll allow you a deposit based on the travel history. You can deposit both amounts from the travel card as well as the cash to that account. They’ll also provide a debit card that you can use as any other debit card plus have the ability to use it for online transactions internationally.
    I personally hold a dollar account at Sanima bank

  2. UNITY_NP Avatar

    Consult with your bank, they are the only ones which can legitimately help you, other then that using dollar card or travel card to transfer money doesn’t work, banks just won’t allow, if your bank has provided with ATM feature Try that or at the end fill the application and close your traveler account.

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