Sarbottam Cement Ltd.’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) has been included in the Securities Board of Nepal’s (SEBON) IPO pipeline for approval. The company intends to issue 3,600,000 unit shares to both local and general investors, with the IPO expected to generate a total of Rs. 1.29 Arba. Priced at Rs. 360.90 per share for both local and general investors, Sarbottam Cement Ltd. plans to conduct the IPO through the book-building method. Global IME Capital Ltd. has been appointed as the issue manager, and the application was submitted to SEBON on Mangsir 18, 2080. ICRA Nepal has reaffirmed Sarbottam Cement Limited’s issuer rating at [ICRANP-IR] BBB+, along with the long-term rating of [ICRANP] LBBB+ and the short-term rating of [ICRANP] A2 for the company’s bank loan limits.
Additionally, the IPO proposal of Bikash Hydropower Company Ltd. has also been added to SEBON’s pipeline. The company has put forth a proposal to issue a total of 4,454,596 shares to both local and general investors, raising Rs. 44.54 crores. The application for this proposal was submitted on Mangsir 19, 2080, and Prabhu Capital Limited will serve as the issue manager for the public offering. ICRA Nepal has assigned an issuer rating of [ICRANP-IR] BB to Bikash Hydropower Company Limited (BHCL), indicating a moderate risk of default regarding the timely servicing of financial obligations. It’s important to note that this rating reflects a general assessment of the company’s creditworthiness and is not specific to any particular debt instrument.
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