“Prabhu Select Fund (PSF)” has released its Net Asset Value (NAV) report for Mangsir, showcasing an increase from Rs. 9.57 to Rs. 10.20 in the fiscal year 2080. This 7-year closed-end scheme, initially starting with a fund size of Rs. 1.25 Arba, has invested in listed shares, public issues, right shares, bonus shares, fixed deposits, and bonds/debentures. The scheme reports a net profit of Rs. 1.99 crores in Mangsir, rebounding from a loss of Rs. 5.87 crores in the previous month.
Similarly, “Prabhu Smart Fund (PRSF),” a 10-year closed-end scheme with a fund size of Rs. 1 Arba, has published its NAV report for Mangsir. The NAV increased from Rs. 10.14 to Rs. 10.60. Investments in listed shares, public issues, right shares, bonus shares, fixed deposits, and bonds/debentures are noted for this scheme as well. PRSF reports a net profit of Rs. 72.90 Lakhs in Mangsir, recovering from a net loss of Rs. 3.92 Crores in the previous month.
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