Nepal Republic Media Limited is conducting its IPO allotment on Monday, 11th Ashad, 2080. The allotment program will be held at Mega Capital Markets Limited in Kamaladi, Kathmandu, at 4 pm.
The company has issued a total capital of Rs. 96.75 crores. Out of this, 43,53,000 unit shares worth Rs. 43.53 crores were reserved for the general public, which accounts for 44.99% of the issued capital. Among the shares allocated to the public, 10% (4,35,300 units) were offered to Nepalese citizens working abroad, 4% (174,120 units) were set aside for the company’s employees, and 5% (217,650 units) were allocated to mutual funds. The remaining 35,25,930 units were made available to the general public.
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