The local gold market has recently reached an all-time high, experiencing a substantial surge of Rs. 500 per tola. Official data from the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association reveals that fine gold is now being traded at an unprecedented rate of Rs. 113,700 per tola. This marks a significant increase from the previous day when the same amount of fine gold was priced at Rs. 113,200 per tola. Tejabi gold, another variety, has also seen a notable rise in its price and is currently trading at Rs. 113,150 per tola, up from the previous rate of Rs. 112,650 per tola.
This surge in gold prices in the Nepalese market brings to mind the last time such record-breaking prices were witnessed, which was on July 20. On that day, fine gold was valued at Rs. 113,600 per tola, and Tejabi gold was priced at Rs. 113,050 per tola.
In contrast, the silver market has experienced a slight decrease, with the price of silver declining by Rs. 15 per tola. Currently, silver is trading at Rs. 1,395 per tola, compared to the previous day’s closing rate of Rs. 1,410 per tola.
It’s worth noting that these notable price fluctuations in the local market align with global trends. Currently, the global price for gold stands at USD $1,946.80 per ounce, while silver is being traded at $22.90 per ounce. These changes reflect both local and international dynamics in the precious metals market.
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