Daily Discussion Thread (Tuesday – Feb 06, 2024)

Daily Discussion Thread (Tuesday - Feb 06, 2024) 1

Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch today and in the coming days.

As always, the rules still apply.

**Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** >!DO NOT create another post.!<

BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NepalStock/wiki/beginners-guide)


* what to buy or sell,
* or what bank to buy,
* or what insurance to buy,
* yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
* IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

Happy Investing!

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4 responses to “Daily Discussion Thread (Tuesday – Feb 06, 2024)”

  1. FlowerFantastic530 Avatar

    K garney aba, where should I invest, thorai amt, around 10k xa

  2. WatercressGeneral521 Avatar

    Can anyone please explain me Why Gurkhas Finance is unable to give any dividend for so long and share price is so high. Report ta thikai dincha. Distributable profit negative bhancha. Please enlighten ma

  3. i-screamoften Avatar

    Chill ma ho. Demat nai kahli xa. Chl 287 ko wacc 290 ma fliyo. Hrl 20 kitta 605, 10 kitta 690 ma falio. Nbl 234 ko wacc, 237 ma falio. I’m making my broker rich. Anyway.see you all at 1800

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