Why cant i buy and sell at the right time is there smth wrong with what am doing….I mean I am definitely wrong but can you guys suggest me what can I do to improve myself to take good trade I would appreciate that.

Why cant i buy and sell at the right time is there smth wrong with what am doing....I mean I am definitely wrong but can you guys suggest me what can I do to improve myself to take good trade I would appreciate that. 1


View on r/NepalStock by CantaloupeFabulous28


2 responses to “Why cant i buy and sell at the right time is there smth wrong with what am doing….I mean I am definitely wrong but can you guys suggest me what can I do to improve myself to take good trade I would appreciate that.”

  1. AcadBuddy Avatar

    You may find it helpful, check: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvDl-88rROc&t=18s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvDl-88rROc&t=18s)

  2. berojgar_keto Avatar

    95% of traders cannot time the market…..if it was easy everyone would be rich

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