Tag: Fixed

  • Commercial Bank Fixed Deposit Interest Rates Remain Unchanged

    Commercial Bank Fixed Deposit Interest Rates Remain Unchanged


    The Nepal Bankers Association (NBA) has decided to lower the interest rate on savings while keeping the interest rate on fixed deposits unchanged.

    The meeting was attended by the CEOs and representatives of all commercial banks to review the interest rate beginning on Chaitra 1. Savings interest rates currently range from 6.42 percent to 8.4 percent. It has been decided to keep the rates between 6% and 8%.

  • Prabhu Smart Fund Offers 255% Dividend Yield in 10 Years

    Prabhu Smart Fund Offers 255% Dividend Yield in 10 Years

    The second plan of the Prabhu Capital Collective Investment Fund is now available for issue and sale as of 18 Falgun 2079. This fund issued 8 crore units worth Rs 80 crore at a fixed price of Rs 10 per unit.

    Prabhu Bank Ltd is the fund promoter of this plan, while Prabhu Capital Limited is the scheme manager. This is a closed-ended plan. This scheme will invest 35 to 90 percent of the proceeds from unit sales in shares, making it an equity-oriented scheme.

    Prabhu Bank Limited has obtained 1.12 crore units out of a total of 8 crore units available, while Prabhu Capital Limited has secured 8 lakh units.

  • Becoming an Investor in Nepal

    Becoming an Investor in Nepal

    Before we get into how to become an investor in Nepal, it’s important to understand who an investor is. An investor is someone who puts money into something with the hope of profiting in the future. A return is the benefit derived from such an investment. Investors are always on the lookout for high-yielding investment opportunities.

    What distinguishes an investor from others?

    Based on a book written by Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad, people can be divided into four distinct categories in terms of generating income. They are:

    1. Employee (Salary-based) are those who work for others in order to meet their needs. They are paid at the end of the month for their work. Job holders are included in this category. Employees benefit from security because they know they will be paid at the end of the month. The main disadvantage of being an employee is the lack of freedom.

    2. Self-employed are individuals who work for themselves. They have more freedom than salaried employees, but they must work like salaried employees to meet their demands.

    3. Businessmen are the owners of the company Business owners hire others to work for them. They create products and services in order to make money.

    4. Investors invest in businesses and stocks for profit.

    According to the book, in order to become wealthy, you must be either a businessman or an investor, or both.

    Investing characteristics

    Not all of your money can be considered an investment. There are a few factors that distinguish between spending and investing. The following are the two most important characteristics that every investor should possess:

    1. Safety of principal

    The principal is your machine, which can print money for you. It is in your best interest to keep your machine in good working order. When you lose your principal, you can’t make money off of it. As a result, the safety of the principal should be your top priority.

    2. Adequate return

    When you put your money into a good business, you get something in return. Your return can take the form of cash, shares, or stocks. What you should remember is that your principal earns you some level of return. You should not expect a return on your investment that is exponential or even out of the realm of possibility. Investing with a non-realistic expectation of return is gambling. Never put your principal at risk. It is all you have.

    Benefits of being an investor

    1. Beating inflation

    Inflation is a term used to describe the gradual decline in the purchasing power of money. A popular saying goes, “A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow.” As an investor, you have the ability to outperform inflation and keep your money’s value constant. You should always keep an eye on inflation and strive to outperform it. Your investment return should always be greater than your country’s inflation rate.

    2. Own businesses of different types

    It is yet another advantage of being an investor. You can own as many and as varied businesses as you want. What you should have are some investing principles that you can use before you start investing. After you’ve established your investing principle, the world is yours to explore.

    A popular investing field in Nepal

    There are three main popular fields of investing in Nepal. They are:

    Land and Real estate

    Real estate is and has always been the best investment opportunity. Real estate investment generates income from two sources: renting and selling real estate. It can be both active and passive investment. You can actively buy and sell properties, or you can simply invest in real estate and let time do the work of calculating your income. You can always expect your property’s value to rise over time. In the meantime, you can use the money you earn from renting to cover your day-to-day expenses.

    Interest yielding deposits

    Banks in Nepal offer competitive interest rates on fixed deposit savings. You can protect your principal by using fixed-deposit schemes offered by commercial banks or development banks in Nepal. While cooperative companies in Nepal have high rates of return, they have a bad reputation for fraud or scams. It is not a good idea to put all of your money in cooperatives.

    In Nepal, there is also peer-to-peer lending. It pays a higher interest rate on your money than institutions, but it also carries a higher risk.

    Interest-bearing deposits are one of the best passive income ideas in Nepal, regardless of where you choose to invest.

    Nepal Stock Exchange

    Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) is the country’s sole stock exchange. If you are new to this, you can read the NEPSE beginner’s guide. Investing in stocks provides you with two significant benefits. You can be a shareholder in any company you want, and you will receive an annual return. Alternatively, you can sell your stocks if the price rises. Stock investing, like real estate investing, allows you to be either an active trader or a passive investor. Stock investing can begin with as little as 100 rupees. Stocks could be the next best small business in Nepal for you.

    Furthermore, the best investment you can make is in yourself. Always seek to broaden your knowledge. Read books, websites, and news to stay current. One thing that all of the best investors have in common is that they are voracious readers. As the saying goes, the more you learn, the more you earn.


    It is not easy to become an investor. To become a good investor in Nepal and other countries, a certain set of principles and hard work are required. However, it is not as difficult as learning rocket science. Anyone can become a good investor with careful planning and dedication. There are a few things you should never forget and a few things you should never forget. Best wishes for your investment.

  • How to install Windows 11 if your PC does not meet minimum requirements

    How to install Windows 11 if your PC does not meet minimum requirements

    Microsoft released Windows 11 earlier today, along with updated minimum hardware requirements. Many people have already complained on Twitter that their relatively new hardware, such as Microsoft’s Surface Book 2 (released in 2017) and even newer hardware, isn’t compatible. This is due to the fact that Microsoft now requires the presence of a TPM 2.0 module in the device, as explained below by the Twitter handle @KorokuGaming:

    Open Windows Powershell and type get-tpm to see if your device has the compatible TPM; here’s an example from one of our recently built gaming rigs:

    Windows 11 screenshots

    In a nutshell, if you are planning to try out Windows 11 then you’ll need the minimum specs below:

    • 1Ghz 64-bit dual-core processor
    • 4GB RAM
    • 64GB storage
    • 9-inch display (1366×768 resolution)
    • UEFI, Secure Boot
    • TPM 2.0
    • DirectX 12 compatible graphics / WDDM 2.x

    Windows 11 screenshots

    If you get the above message when running the Windows PC Health Check app, there’s still a way to get Windows 11 next week when it’s released to Insiders. You’ll need to opt into the Dev channel of Windows Insiders within Windows 10, and you’ll get the build automatically when it’s released, minimum specs be damned.

    To join Windows Insiders, go to All Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program (you may be prompted to enable Optional Diagnostic & Feedback), then click Get started and select the Dev channel if it’s available (you may have to restart Windows in order to switch channels).

    The complete process is outlined in this post at the Windows Insider Blog:

    All Windows Insiders who have already been installing builds from the Dev Channel on their PCs up through June 24, 2021 will be allowed to continue installing Windows 11 Insider Preview builds even if their PC does not meet the minimum hardware requirements.

    People who choose to get Windows 11 Insider builds despite the fact that their device isn’t eligible may experience bugs that will never be fixed, which could lead to them being flagged as having an incompatible device when reporting bugs to Microsoft.

    Windows 11
    Come here my pretty!

    Furthermore, if you run into issues and decide to reinstall Windows by hard-resetting your computer, those devices will be automatically opted out of Windows 11 Insider Preview builds and will not be able to upgrade to Windows 11. These devices will be treated as new PCs, according to Microsoft, and the minimum hardware requirements will be enforced.

    Finally, when Windows 11 is made generally available, which means when the final build is released, those PCs will be removed from the flighting program and will have to reinstall Windows 10 from scratch.

  • How to learn any skills faster in six steps

    How to learn any skills faster in six steps

    Practice makes perfect when it comes to skills.

    G. I. Joe Fallacy: the idea that knowing is half the battle. It needs to be retired not just from our theories of how the mind works, but also from our practices of trying to shape minds to work better.

    Laurie Santos and Tamar Gendler

    As a consequence, if you want to achieve an objective, lectures alone will not suffice. You want to be more prepared. Lectures can only help you learn more. It will not provide you with the tools you need to improve your job performance.

    Set (realistic) goals!

    Your objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound).

    You can also use the WOOP technique (wish, result, challenge, plan) to set goals and achieve them more quickly.

    In his book Originals, Wharton Organizational Psychology Professor Adam Grant suggests that the greatest input comes from fellow creators, not from the audience or managers.

    We could all rely more on peer feedback and do a better job saying, “When I’ve got a new idea, I’m not necessarily going to trust my own judgment. But I’m not always going to trust … middle managers who tend to be the most risk-averse and most conservative. I’m going to go to people who are fellow creators.”

    Adam Grant

    Deliberate practice to learn any skill faster!

    Regular practice may be mindless repetitions, whereas deliberate practice requires focused attention and is done with the explicit goal of increasing performance.

    Benjamin Franklin’s father chastised him for his poor writing skills when he was a teenager. Franklin made a pledge to himself to improve his prose. He began by reading works by some of the most popular authors of the time. He then rewrote each essay in his own words before comparing it to the original.

    World-class violinists only train for 90 minutes a day, but those 90 minutes are spent focusing on areas where they are weak or need to develop. They don’t practice what is easy for them. It’s pointless to do so. Deliberate practice, on the other hand, forces one to step outside of their comfort zone. You’re still focusing on what you need to work on, and once you’ve accomplished it, you move on to more challenging skills. It’s like turning your life into a game.

    Choose the mindset required!

    Carol Dweck coined the terms “fixed mentality” and “development mindset” to describe people’s beliefs about learning and intellect. Students who believe they can boost their intellect understand that perseverance pays off. As a result, they put forward more effort and commitment, resulting in increased results.

    We can change someone’s perspective from fixed to development, according to studies. They become more inspired and do more as we do so. The study of brain plasticity has shown how neuronal communication changes over time. With practice, neural networks form new associations and strengthen old ones.