Recently, a report released on Adani Group by Hindenburg Research[Hindenburg Report Adani Group]( has revealed how there has been a price manipulation in Adani Stocks. One of the highlighted red flags Adani Group had was the company being very closely held and whatever share floated was being pumped to inflate Adani’s valuation. Similarly, there are many cases in Nepal – mostly in Hydro companies where promoters are manipulating prices for personal gains. Other companies, such as HDL, which also has high promoter holding (even in floated shares) are heavily overvalued. Please pay attention to such information while investing. Be aware of closely held and promoter manipulated shares. You do not want the share plummet to be a part of your portfolio. Do not blindly trust market suggestions recommending you to buy random stocks.
View on r/NepalStock by amalla48
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