Does broker take commission even while buying stock?

Does broker take commission even while buying stock? 1

I bought stock today worth 15.6k , It’s my first time buying in secondary market. But after changes they have sent message to pay 15.7k , Sell garda ta extra charge lagxa tara buy garda ni lagxa?

Pls It’s my first time , I have no idea so

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3 responses to “Does broker take commission even while buying stock?”

  1. berojgar_keto Avatar

    sell garda tax lagcha… commission every transaction ma lagcha

  2. kharabpati Avatar

    Yes, you’ve to pay the charge in both transactions.

  3. gokenkelly Avatar

    Yes, brokers take commission even while buying stocks. Not just broker, you’re paying extra for SEBON fee (0.015%) and DP charge (Rs. 25 per company). Unlike the SEBON fee and DP charge, the brokerage commission is not fixed. It is 0.40% for transaction below Rs. 50,000 and it decreases as the transaction increases, down to 0.27% for transaction over a crore.

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