Daily Discussion Thread (Sunday – Jan 14, 2024)

Daily Discussion Thread (Sunday - Jan 14, 2024) 1

Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch today and in the coming days.

As always, the rules still apply.

**Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** >!DO NOT create another post.!<

BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NepalStock/wiki/beginners-guide)


* what to buy or sell,
* or what bank to buy,
* or what insurance to buy,
* yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
* IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

Happy Investing!

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5 responses to “Daily Discussion Thread (Sunday – Jan 14, 2024)”

  1. writearticletolive Avatar

    RHPL circuit bhaayo aja :DDDDD

  2. malaibaal22 Avatar

    hydro ma best script haru kun xa short term ko lagi?

  3. Shishirc25 Avatar

    Mkcl bechne bela vako ho ki ajhai janxa hola?

  4. AdditionalAd5207 Avatar

    HATHY HOLD or SELL thik huncha?

  5. Tsukiknows Avatar

    Nepal Electricity Authority received permission for IPO, Opening price 250 premium.
    What do you all think about it ?

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