
  • Nepse ma 10 kitta vanda muni buy garna milx?

    Nepse ma 10 kitta vanda muni buy garna milx?

    Newbie to stockmarket. Planning to invest small amount of money so minimum kati trade garna milxa hola. Please inform.

    View on r/NepalStock by Alarming_Finance5584

  • Broker no.48 kasto xa ,its near to my area so am deciding to open my acc there

    Broker no.48 kasto xa ,its near to my area so am deciding to open my acc there

    Suggestions pani dinus,yo bhanda ramro kun xa bhanera

    View on r/NepalStock by Super-Number-9017

  • Please Suggest Ali ramro stock broker in Kathmandu?

    Please Suggest Ali ramro stock broker in Kathmandu?

    Kunai ramro stock broker suggest garam na ktm ma, Ipo haru jamma gareko bechna paryo.

    View on r/NepalStock by Carrot-mint

  • How to change stock broker? no 58 🤮

    How to change stock broker? no 58 🤮

    Very unsatisfied with no.58 .
    How do I change broker ?
    And is Broker No. 4 good?

    View on r/NepalStock by DeDumbDumbKiddo87

  • Mathillo Mailun Khola Jalvidhyut IPO Allotment Concluded; 128,420 out of 11,85,642 Valid Applicants Get 10 Units Each

    Mathillo Mailun Khola Jalvidhyut IPO Allotment Concluded; 128,420 out of 11,85,642 Valid Applicants Get 10 Units Each

    The IPO allotment process for Mathillo Mailun Khola Jalvidhyut Limited has been successfully completed at the offices of the issue manager, Sanima Capital Limited in Kathmandu. The company had previously offered 12,84,200 unit IPO shares at a par value of Rs. 100 to the general public during the period from the 18th to the 22nd of Ashwin in the year 2080.

    Prior to this, the company had issued 10,00,000 unit shares to project-affected individuals from Rasuwa and Nuwakot Districts, of which only 990,800 units were allocated to eligible applicants. Consequently, the remaining 9,200 units of unsubscribed shares from project-affected locals were combined with the 15,00,000 units designated for the general public.

    Out of the total 15,09,200 units offered to the public, 1,50,000 units were already issued and assigned to Nepalese citizens working abroad, and 75,000 units were allocated for mutual funds. The remaining 12,84,200 units were earmarked for the general public.

    The IPO offering received an overwhelming response with applications from 11,85,642 valid applicants who collectively applied for a total of 1,28,66,060 units. This level of interest resulted in an oversubscription rate of over 10.01 times. In accordance with the allotment module, 128,420 applicants were selected via lottery and allotted 10 units each, while the remaining 10,57,222 applicants did not receive any shares.

    Furthermore, 75,000 units were allotted to mutual funds, and 4,654 applicants who had applied for 65,220 units were disqualified from receiving any shares.

    The IPO results are accessible through CDSC IPO Result, MeroShare, and Sanima Capital Limited. Additionally, CARE Ratings Nepal Limited (CRNL) has assigned a ‘CARE-NP BB-‘ rating to Mathillo Mailun Khola Jalvidhyut Limited, indicating a moderate risk of default concerning the timely servicing of financial obligations in Nepal.

    Mathillo Mailun Khola Jalvidhyut Limited is a public limited company, established on August 14, 2012. It is promoted by institutional investors, predominantly associated with the Sanima Hydro group, as well as other institutions such as banks and insurance companies. The company’s primary purpose is to establish a 14.3 MW run-of-river Mathillo Mailun Khola Jalvidhyut Project in the BOOT (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) mechanism, situated in the Rasuwa district of Nepal.

  • RSDC Reports 6.65% Growth in Net Profit in First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2080/81

    RSDC Reports 6.65% Growth in Net Profit in First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2080/81

    RSDC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (RSDC) has recently released its first quarterly report for the fiscal year 2080/81, revealing several noteworthy findings. One of the most significant highlights is the impressive growth in net profit, which increased by 6.65%. During the first quarter, RSDC reported a net profit of Rs. 4.07 crores, a marked improvement compared to the Rs. 3.82 crores in the same period of the previous year.

    The report also emphasizes a substantial rise in borrowings, which surged by 9.05% in the first quarter of 2080/81, reaching a total of Rs. 5.90 Arba.

    RSDC reported a substantial reduction of 101.98% in impairment charges. This decline signifies improved asset quality and risk management within the organization. However, the company’s expenses related to personnel increased by 6.32%, reaching Rs. 1.21 crores by the end of Ashwin.

    Net Interest Income, the primary revenue stream for microfinance companies, experienced a decrease of 10.96%, totaling Rs. 6.81 crores in the first quarter of the fiscal year 2080/81. This decline may be reflective of broader economic conditions.

    Although at a relatively low level, the Non-Performing Loan (NPL) ratio increased to 1.49% in the first quarter of the financial year 2080/81.

    RSDC maintains a paid-up capital of Rs. 86.95 crores, with a distributable profit of Rs. 10.13 crores to be distributed to its shareholders, indicating the company’s sound financial position.

    The Net Worth per Share has remained nearly constant at Rs. 126.93.

    It is worth noting that the company has proposed a dividend of 9.0528% (comprising 8.6% bonus shares worth Rs. 7.47 Crores and 0.4528% in cash dividends worth Rs. 39.35 lakhs) for the fiscal year 2079/80.

  • Sanima Bank’s 19th AGM Approves 9% Bonus Share and 5.70% Cash Dividend

    Sanima Bank’s 19th AGM Approves 9% Bonus Share and 5.70% Cash Dividend

    Sanima Bank Limited has successfully concluded its 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 19, 2023. Mr. Tuk Prasad Poudel, serving as the Chairman, presided over the AGM during which several significant decisions were made. Notably, the AGM approved the distribution of a 9% bonus share and a 5.70% cash dividend to the bank’s shareholders.

    For the fiscal year 2079/80, Sanima Bank reported a net profit of NPR 2.61 billion, accompanied by total deposits and net loans and advances amounting to NPR 178.85 billion and NPR 149.87 billion, respectively. The bank’s total assets also reached NPR 215.64 billion. When compared to the previous fiscal year (2078/79), the bank witnessed substantial growth, with total deposits, loans and advances, and total assets increasing by 12.56%, 5.78%, and 12.02%, respectively.

    Furthermore, the bank’s prudential parameters, as of mid-July 2023, demonstrate its financial health. The non-performing loan ratio stands at 1.31%, while the capital fund to risk-weighted assets ratio is at a healthy 14.42%. The liquidity position of the bank is strong, with a liquidity ratio of 30.01%, and the credit to deposit ratio (monthly average) is reported at 79%. These parameters reflect the bank’s sound financial standing and its ability to manage risk and liquidity effectively.

  • There were 10 shares when IPO was alloted but now there are only 9. Can someone tell me why it happens?

    There were 10 shares when IPO was alloted but now there are only 9. Can someone tell me why it happens?

    I didn’t have secondary account till yesterday

    View on r/NepalStock by haywireeeeee

  • Himalayan Reinsurance Announces IPO for Nepalese Citizens Abroad, Aiming to Raise Rs. 61.8 Crores

    Himalayan Reinsurance Announces IPO for Nepalese Citizens Abroad, Aiming to Raise Rs. 61.8 Crores

    Himalayan Reinsurance Limited has announced its plans to issue an Initial Public Offering (IPO) aimed at Nepalese citizens working abroad. The company intends to offer 30,00,000 unit shares, and the subscription period will be open from the 21st Kartik, concluding on the 5th Mangsir in the year 2080.

    The total issued capital of the company stands at Rs. 10 Arba, out of which 30%, equivalent to 3,00,00,000 unit shares, will be made available to the public, including Nepalese citizens working abroad and the general public. Of this total issuance, 10% or 30,00,000 unit shares are specifically reserved for Nepalese citizens working abroad, with their subscription period commencing on the 21st Kartik.

    Additionally, 2% of the offered shares, totaling 600,000 units, have been set aside for the company’s employees, while 5% or 15,00,000 units have been allocated for mutual funds. The remaining 2,49,00,000 units will be made accessible to the general public at a later date.

    The shares are set to be issued at a price of Rs. 206 per share, which includes a premium of Rs. 106 per share on top of the Rs. 100 face value. This IPO offering is expected to raise Rs. 61.8 crores for the company.

    NMB Capital Limited has been appointed as the issue manager for this IPO. Investors can apply for a minimum of 10 units and have the opportunity to subscribe to a maximum of 300,000 units.

    Himalayan Reinsurance is the second reinsurance company in Nepal to issue an IPO. As a pioneering private-sector reinsurance firm, it specializes in providing reinsurance support to both Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies within Nepal and on an international scale. The company received its operational license in 2021.

    Prominent promoters of Himalayan Reinsurance include leading business conglomerates in Nepal and significant financial institutions, such as Golchha Group, Shanker Group, Infinity Holdings, and others, along with two major government-owned banks: Nepal Bank Limited and Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited.

    ICRA Nepal has reaffirmed Himalayan Reinsurance Limited with an issuer rating of [ICRANP-IR] A-. This rating reflects a reasonable degree of safety concerning the timely fulfillment of financial obligations, signifying low credit risk for investors.

  • I am a newbie here…So please tell me

    I am a newbie here…So please tell me

    I had few shares of khaptad laghubitta
    And I didn’t know about its merger with dhaulagiri merger.
    I recently checked and saw that the amount of shares I have is decreased ..

    I just wanted to know if its normal or there some issue.

    View on r/NepalStock by Royal-Lynx-8256

  • Sonapur ko IPO varne haru jammailai pareko hora?

    Sonapur ko IPO varne haru jammailai pareko hora?


    View on r/NepalStock by 4timesbannedlmao