Currently, there are 4 IPOs of which only 1 is for the General Public and 3 others are for Project Affected Locals and Foreign Workers.
According to the CDSC report out of available One Lakh Eight Thousand (1,08,000) units for [Kalinchowk Darshan Limited IPO]( (Reserved – Foreign Worker), it is already oversubscribed by 5.14 times as of 7th December 2022 | 10:00 am. And the number of applications is only 2158.
So, is it a success? to include Nepali workers abroad participating in IPO?
Current IPO available in Mero Share
1. Barahi Hydropower Public Limited (PUBLIC)
2. Kalinchowk Darshan Limited (RESERVED – FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT)
3. Super Madi Hydropower Ltd. (RESERVED – FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT)
4. [Supermai Hydropower Ltd]( (RESERVED – FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT)
5. Trishuli Jalvidhyut Co. Ltd. [RESERVED (Call)]
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