- First of all, Navigate to the App Store and search for an app called “Doplusents by Readdle”
- Download and open it on your device.
- Hover to the Compass icon on your screen and tap on it.

- Copy the URL of the video you want to download and return it to the app
- Browse www.videosolo.com/online-video-downloader/ in the app and paste the copied URL into the box.
- Click on the Download button
- set the preferences from the list of options and click Download.
- Type the destination folder where you want the video to be saved.
- After the completion of the download process, you can find the video in the Downloads section of the app
- To save the video on your iPhone, click on the video in the Downloads section and then click on the three dots right next to it.
- Select share and then find Save video from the list of options.
- Click on the option to save the video to your iPhone’s internal storage.
You can successfully download videos from the internet, like YouTube, if you follow the steps above. Be sure to only download non-copyrighted videos, as copyrighted videos can result in legal ramifications.