Tag: Funds

  • Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund"s Public Offering

    Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund"s Public Offering

    Citizens Capital Limited is launching closed-end mutual fund scheme called “Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund.”The issue will be open starting today, the 6th of Baisakh, and will close on the 10th of Baisakh, 2080. If the issue is not completely subscribed by the early closing date, it may be extended until Baisakh 20. 15% or 1.50 crore units worth Rs. 15 crores have been awarded to the fund promoter Citizens Bank International Limited, with the remaining 8.5 crore units being issued to the general public beginnin


  • “7.5% Urja Rinpatra 2089 Everest Bank Ltd” ” Now Available in NEPSE

    “7.5% Urja Rinpatra 2089 Everest Bank Ltd” ” Now Available in NEPSE

    NEPSE has listed 746,830 units of “7.5% Everest Bank Limited Urja Rinpatra (Energy Bond) 2089.”

    From the 25th Poush to the 09th Magh of 2079, Everest Bank Limited (EBL) issued 20,00,000 units of “7.5% Everest Bank Limited Urja Rinpatra (Energy Bond) 2089.”

    From the overall offer of 20 lakh units, 12 lakh units were subscribed through private placement, while the remaining 8 lakh units worth Rs. 80 crores were open for public issue, with 5% reserved for mutual funds.

    As the name implies, the “7.5% Everest Bank Limited Urja Rinpatra (Energy Bond) 2089” would provide unit holders with 7.5% yearly yields till maturity, which is in the year 2089 BS (10 years).

  • The Sagarmatha Jalbidhyut Company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) has concluded, with 3,58,176 lucky applicants receiving 10 units each.

    The Sagarmatha Jalbidhyut Company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) has concluded, with 3,58,176 lucky applicants receiving 10 units each.

    Sagarmatha Jalvidyut Company Limited’s initial public offering (IPO) was completed today at Prabhu Capital Limited’s Kamaladi headquarters.

    Out of the total 43,68,000 units authorized for the general public, 10%, or 436,800 units, have already been issued and distributed to Nepalese people working abroad, 5%, or 218,400 units, have been put aside for mutual funds, and 3%, or 131,040 units, have been set aside for firm workers.


    The remaining 35,81,760 units were distributed to the general population between the 8th and 12th Chaitra, 2079.

    Following the IPO, the company’s paid-up capital will be Rs. 1.12 Arba. Moreover, the promoter-public share ratio would be 51: 49.

    The problem has received 13,93,153 genuine applications.

  • Toda Sagarmatha Jalbidhyut Company Issues 35,81,760 Units IPO Shares To The General Public

    Toda Sagarmatha Jalbidhyut Company Issues 35,81,760 Units IPO Shares To The General Public

    Sagarmatha Jalbidhyut Company Limited is launching an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 35,81,760 unit shares to the general public today, 8th Chaitra, 2079. This issue’s early closing date is on the 12th Chaitra, and if it is not fully subscribed, it can be extended until the 22nd Chaitra, 2079.

    Out of the total 43,68,000 units, 10%, or 436,800 units, have already been issued and allotted to Nepalese citizens working abroad, 5%, or 218,400 units, have been set aside for mutual funds, and 3%, or 131,040 units, have been set aside for company employees. The remaining 35,81,760 units will be available to the general public. The company’s pai


  • List of Companies With IPO Shares That Have Not Yet Been Listed on NEPSE; 9 Companies Are Also Planning an IPO

    List of Companies With IPO Shares That Have Not Yet Been Listed on NEPSE; 9 Companies Are Also Planning an IPO

    An initial public offering is the process by which a privately held company becomes a publicly traded company by selling its stock to the general public (IPO). An IPO allows a company to raise funds by selling ownership stakes to a diverse group of investors. It is a method for businesses to obtain public funding in order to support operations or grow.

    A company that wants to go public typically hires an investment bank to handle the IPO. The investment bank and the company will work together to determine the appropriate stock price and quantity to be distributed. Following that, the company will file a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) detailing its finances and other information.


  • The IPO of BPW Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha has concluded; 8,095 applicants out of 14,58,278 receive 10 units.

    The IPO of BPW Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha has concluded; 8,095 applicants out of 14,58,278 receive 10 units.

    As part of its Initial Public Offering (IPO), BPW Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited issued 80,950 units worth Rs 80.95 lakhs to the general public (Falgun 18- 23, 2079).

    Out of the total 97,000 units, 10%, or 9,700 units, were set aside for Nepalese citizens working abroad, 1.50%, or 1,500 units, were set aside for company employees, and 5%, or 4,850 units, were set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 80,950 units will be available to the general public.


  • The BPW Laghubitta IPO will be completed on Friday; 8,095 applicants will receive 10 units each.

    The BPW Laghubitta IPO will be completed on Friday; 8,095 applicants will receive 10 units each.

    BPW Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited’s initial public offering (IPO) will take place this Friday, 3rd Chaitra, 2079. The allotment program will begin at 11 a.m. on the premises of the issue manager, Mega Capital Markets, in Kamalpokhari.

    From the 18th to the 23rd Falgun, the company issued 80,950 units of Rs 100 face value shares to the general public as an Initial Public Offering. Out of the total 97,000 units, 10%, or 9,700 units, were set aside for Nepalese citizens working abroad, 1.50%, or 1,500 units, were set aside for company employees, and 5%, or 4,850 units, were set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 80,950 units were made available to the gene


  • Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) has concluded, with one in every 91 applicants receiving ten units.

    Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) has concluded, with one in every 91 applicants receiving ten units.

    Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited had issued to the general public 1,69,755 units worth Rs 1.69 crore in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) (Falgun 11- 15, 2079).

    Out of the total 203,380 units, 10%, or 20,388 units, have been allotted to Nepalese citizens working abroad, while 1.5326%, or 3,117 units, have been set aside for company employees, and 5%, or 10,170 units, have been set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 1,69,755 units will be available to the general public.


  • The Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta IPO will be completed on Sunday; 16,975 applicants will receive 10 units each.

    The Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta IPO will be completed on Sunday; 16,975 applicants will receive 10 units each.


    Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited’s initial public offering (IPO) will take place this Sunday, 21st Falgun, 2079. The allotment program will take place at the Kamalpokhari office of the issue manager, Sunrise Capital Limited.

    From the 11th to the 15th Falgun, the company issued 169,755 units of Rs 100 face value shares to the general public in an Initial Public Offering worth Rs 1.69 crore. Out of the total 203,380 units, 10%, or 20,388 units, were set aside for Nepalese citizens working abroad, while 1.5326%, or 3,117 units, were set aside for company employees, and 5%, or 10,170 units, were set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 169,755 units were for general distribution.


  • Sanima Middle Tamor Hydropower Issuing 42,48,938 Units IPO Shares Beginning Today

    Sanima Middle Tamor Hydropower Issuing 42,48,938 Units IPO Shares Beginning Today


    Sanima Middle Tamor Hydropower Limited will begin issuing 42,48,938 unit shares with a face value of Rs 100 on February 26th, 2079. This IPO is expected to generate Rs 42.48 crore for the company. This issue’s early closing date is 30th Falgun, and if it is not fully subscribed, it can be extended until 10th Chaitra, 2079.

    Out of the total 49,98,750 units, 10%, or 499,875 units, have already been issued and allocated to Nepalese citizens working abroad, while 5%, or 249,937 units, have been set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 42,48,938 units will be available to the general public. Following the IPO, the company’s paid-up capital will be Rs. 3.33 Arba

  • Molung Hydropower Company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be completed tomorrow.

    Molung Hydropower Company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be completed tomorrow.

    olung Hydropower Company Limited’s initial public offering (IPO) will take place tomorrow, on the 19th of Falgun, 2079. The allotment program will begin at 10 a.m. on the premises of the issue manager, Sunrise Capital Limited, in Kamalpokhari.

    From the 4th to the 10th Falgun, the company issued 22,64,655 units of Rs 100 face value shares to the general public in an Initial Public Offering worth Rs 22.64 crore. Out of the total 27,28,500 units, 10%, or 272,850 units, were already issued and allotted to Nepalese citizens working abroad, 2%, or 54,570 units, were set aside for company employees, and 5%, or 136,425 units, were set aside for mutual funds. The

  • Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta IPO Receives Rs. 1.78 Arba From 16.13 Lakh Applicants; IPO Oversubscribed by More Than 105.14 Times

    Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta IPO Receives Rs. 1.78 Arba From 16.13 Lakh Applicants; IPO Oversubscribed by More Than 105.14 Times

    From the 11th to the 15th of Falgun, 2079, Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited issued 169,755 units of shares worth Rs. 1.69 crores to the general public as part of their Initial Public Offering (IPO).

    The company’s issued capital is Rs. 6.23 crores, of which 32.625%, or 203,380 unit shares worth Rs. 2.03 crores, have been set aside for the general public. Out of the total 203,380 units, 10%, or 20,388 units, were set aside for Nepalese citizens working abroad, while 1.5326%, or 3,117 units, were set aside for company employees, and 5%, or 10,170 units, were set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 169,755 units were made available to the general public.