Rastra Utthan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (RULB) has proposed a 15% dividend worth Rs. 3.9 Crores for the fiscal year 2078/79. This marks the company’s first dividend after being listed in NEPSE. The board of directors decided in its 86th meeting on Baisakh 13 to distribute 14.25% bonus shares and 0.75% cash dividend (including the amount for tax purposes) from the paid-up capital of Rs. 26 Crores. The bonus shares are valued at Rs. 3.7 crores, and the cash dividend is worth Rs. 19.50 lakhs. However, the dividend will only be distributed after receiving approval from Nepal Rastra Bank and endorsement by the upcoming AGM. RULB’s last-day close stands at Rs. 622.80 at the time of writing.
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‘Himalayan Stock Exchange’ applied for license of new stock exchange
“Himalayan Stock Exchange” has applied for a license to the Nepal Securities Board for a new stock exchange. The application has been filed by Himalayan Stock Exchange, which has been established with the participation of prominent business families in Nepal, including Shankar Group, along with the largest industrial houses in Nepal such as Shekhar Golchha of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, former presidents of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Pashupati Murarka, Rajendra Khetan of Khetan Group, Satish Lal Mor of Lucky Group, Vivek Dugar of Dugar Group, Shourabh Jyoti of Jyoti Group and other major traders and business houses. This is the first application for a stock exchange license by Himalayan Stock Exchange.
The application has been filed by Himalayan Stock Exchange, along with investment from Rohit Gupta, Ashish Shrestha, Juni Gurung, and Deepak Bhatta.
The deadline for applying for a license for the commodity exchange (Commodity Exchange) along with the stock exchange is until 10th Baisakh, 2079 (April 22, 2023). So far, only one application has been submitted under the name of Himalayan Stock Exchange.
Similarly, there has been no application filed until Friday for the commodity exchange. The applications for the stock and commodity exchanges are separate.