Modi Energy Limited has started offering 55,59,420 unit IPO shares with a face value of Rs 100 to the public, aiming to raise Rs 55.59 crore. The IPO will close on the 24th of Baisakh, and it can be extended up to the 2nd of Jestha, 2080, if it is not fully subscribed. The company had previously issued 29,00,000 unit shares worth Rs. 29 crores to project-affected locals of Parbat District, and the remaining 20,95,610 units of unsubscribed shares are added to 43,50,000 units reserved for the general public. A total of 64,45,610 units are for the general public. Sunrise Capital Limited is the issue manager for the IPO, and applications can be made for a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 100,000 units. Modi Energy Limited has been promoted by institutional promoters and individual businessmen, and the Hydroelectric Project of the 20 MW run-of-river, Tallo Modi Khola Hydropower Project, is being constructed under the “BOOT” model in the Parbat district of Nepal.
Tag: CAN
Upper Solu Hydro Electric Company Reports Net Profit of 1.08 Crores in Q3; Financial Expenses Increased By Huge Margin of 244.73%
Upper Solu Hydro Electric Company Limited (USHEC) has released its unaudited third-quarter report for FY 2079/2080, reporting a net profit of Rs. 1.08 Crores, indicating a 78.98% decline from the relevant period of the previous fiscal year. The company’s paid-up capital remains at Rs. 1.35 Arba, and it has a negative reserve of Rs 3.64 Crores. Additionally, USHEC generated electricity sales worth Rs. 53.39 Crores in Q3 of FY 79/80, while finance expenses increased significantly by 244.73%, amounting to Rs. 30.73 Crores, affecting the company’s profitability for the period. The management analysis states that electricity was produced entirely from the organization’s project during the quarter period, and electricity was sold from the 132 KV transmission line, but reduced water flow in the river resulted in lower income than previous quarters. The company’s annualized EPS stood at Rs. 1.07, and its net worth per share was Rs. 97.30.
Allotment of 12 Crore Units of Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme 3 Concludes; Only 67.15% Units Subscribed
Siddhartha Capital Limited recently concluded the issuance of its closed-end mutual fund scheme, “Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme 3”. The issue consisted of 12 crore unit shares with a par value of Rs. 10 per unit. The fund promoter, Siddhartha Bank Limited, was allocated 10% (1.2 crore units) of the shares, while the fund manager, Siddhartha Capital, was allocated 5% (60 lakh units). The remaining 10.20 crore units were issued to the general public. The scheme, which has a maturity period of 10 years, is the sixth mutual fund scheme offered by Siddhartha Capital. On Baisakh 17, 80,580,000 units were allotted to valid applicants, resulting in a total scheme size of Rs. 80.58 Crores.
“National Hydro Power reports Q3 net loss of Rs. 2.29 Crores due to increased interest expenses; announces plans to issue 50% right shares”
In the third quarter (Q3) of the current fiscal year 2079/80, National Hydro Power Company Limited (NHPC) reported a net loss of Rs. 2.29 Crores, compared to a profit of Rs. 3.27 Crores in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. The company’s total revenue till the end of Q3 was Rs. 2.91 crores. However, NHPC’s administrative expenses declined by 6.97%, while financial expenses increased significantly by 125.40%, affecting the company’s profitability for this quarter.
NHPC’s reserves and surplus currently stand at Rs. 83.03 Lakhs, with share capital at Rs. 1.64 Arba. The hydropower company plans to issue 50% right shares worth Rs. 82.21 Crores to its existing shareholders, which will increase the paid-up capital to Rs. 2.46 Arba after approval by SEBON.
NHPC is also involved in the Lower Erkhuwa Hydropower Project in Bhojpur District, Province 1, which is expected to start generating 80 GWh of energy annually within 2023 and generate about N. Rs. 450 million in revenue. Additionally, the company is leading the study of the Likhu hydropower project, which is being promoted after concluding an agreement regarding holding of 75% shares in Bright Energy Solutions.
NHPC’s annualized earning per share is currently at Rs. -1.86, while the net worth per share is at Rs. 100.50. The company’s Q3 report shows a decrease in reserves and surplus by 75.90%, property, plant, and equipment (NET) increasing by 0.51%, and a decline in total income (power sales) by 19.41%. The Q3 market price for NHPC was at 239.
“IPO Shares for Ingwa Hydropower’s General Public Offering Now Available: Get Your 12,68,639 Units Today!”
Ingwa Hydropower Limited has announced the closure of its IPO issuance of 12,68,639 unit shares with a face value of Rs. 100 per share. The issue, which opened on April 13, 2080, is oversubscribed by 8.64 times, with 994,624 applicants applying for a total of 10,964,750 units. The company intends to collect Rs. 12.68 crore from this IPO, with 70% of the shares belonging to promoter shareholders.
Before this issuance, the company had allotted 306,840 units of its 6,00,000 unit shares worth Rs. 6 crores to project-affected locals in Taplejung District, with the remaining 293,160 units added to the 12,00,000 units reserved for the general public. Out of the total 14,93,160 units available to the general public, 120,000 units have already been allotted to Nepalese citizens working abroad, while 5% and 2% have been set aside for mutual funds and employees of the company, respectively. The remaining 12,68,639 units are for the general public, with a minimum application of 10 units and a maximum of 20,000 units.
The IPO issuance is managed by Sunrise Capital Limited, while CARE Ratings Nepal Limited has assigned an issuer rating of ‘CARE-NP BB (Is)’ to Ingwa Hydropower Limited, indicating a moderate risk of default regarding timely servicing of financial obligations in Nepal. The company was incorporated on June 23, 2009, as a private limited company and was later converted into a public limited company on August 25, 2014. The company’s institutional promoters and individual businessmen in Nepal have promoted it to set up a 9.70 MW run-of-river, Upper Ingwa Khola hydroelectric project under the BOOT mechanism in the Panchthar district of Nepal.
“Ankhukhola Hydropower Sales Revenue Drops by 11.09% to Rs. 15.4 Crores, Net Worth Per Share Falls Below Par Value at Rs. 71.25”
Ankhukhola Hydropower Company Limited (AKJCL) has released their Q3 financial report for the FY 2079/80, revealing a significant decrease of 71.59% in net profit compared to the same quarter in the previous year, with the current net profit standing at Rs. 86.52 Lakhs. Total revenue up to the third quarter of FY 2079/079 has also decreased by 11.09% to Rs. 15.4 crores. However, AKJCL will receive a grant of Rs. 4.62 crore from the Nepalese government for the installation of Ankhu Khola-1, which has not yet been included in their revenue. Additionally, the company has signed an agreement to invest 60% in Ganesh Himal Hydropower’s 20 M.W. Ankhu Khola-2 Hydropower project. The administrative and general expenses have increased by 18.37%, while the finance expenses have decreased by 7.26%. The paid-up capital of the company stands at Rs. 80 crore with a negative reserve of Rs. 23 crore in reserve fund, and the company reported an annualized EPS of Rs. 1.44 and net worth per share of Rs. 71.25.
“Himalaya Urja Bikas Company Limited reschedules 22nd AGM with new agenda items”
Himalaya Urja Bikas Company Limited (HURJA) has announced that its 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) will now be held on 9th Jestha, 2080. The meeting was originally scheduled for 29th Poush, 2079, but was rescheduled. The AGM will take place at Arpan Banquet in Nayabaneshwor, Kathmandu, starting at 11 am on the specified day.
The agendas for the AGM include endorsing the annual report for the fiscal year 2078/79 prepared by the board of directors, approving the auditor’s report for the same period, appointing an auditor for the fiscal year 2079/80, and approving their compensation. The meeting will also appoint Mr. Suman Sharma Chaulagain as a Director and propose to increase the authorized and issued capital of the company to Rs. 2.5 Arba. The company will also endorse 1:1 (100%) right shares from the paid-up capital of Rs. 99 Crores and manage capital received after issuance of rights shares.
Investors who held shares of HURJA before the book closure date of Poush 18 will be able to attend the AGM.
SSHL Plans to Issue 100% Right Shares to Shareholders
Shiva Shree Hydropower Limited (SSHL) has made an important decision to issue 100% right shares to its shareholders in a 1:1 ratio, according to a recent board of directors’ meeting held on 14th Baisakh, 2080. This move will increase the company’s current paid-up capital from Rs. 1.47 Arba to Rs. 2.95 Arba.
The primary objective of issuing the right shares is to pay back the bank debt. SSHL is preparing to issue rights after receiving approval from the Electricity Regulatory Commission and the subsequent Annual General Meeting. This is a significant development for SSHL, as it will not only help the company pay off its debts, but it will also increase its capital, giving it more financial flexibility to pursue future endeavors.
The decision to issue right shares is a common practice among companies, and it allows them to raise capital by offering existing shareholders the right to purchase additional shares at a discounted price. This not only benefits the company but also the shareholders, as it enables them to increase their stake in the company at a lower cost.
Overall, SSHL’s decision to issue 100% right shares is a positive move that will benefit both the company and its shareholders. The increased capital will give the company more financial flexibility to pursue its goals and pay off its debts, which is always a positive sign for any company.
Menchhiyam Hydropower IPO Allotment Concludes: Lucky 95,411 Applicants Gets 10 Units Each Whereas Staff Quota Undersubscribed
Menchhiyam Hydropower Limited’s initial public offering (IPO) was completed today at the Lainchaur Banquet in Kathmandu. The issue manager for this IPO was NIC Asia Capital.
Menchhiyam Hydropower Limited released 934,915 units worth Rs 9.34 crores to the general public as an Initial Public Offering (IPO) (Baisakh 4- 7, 2080).Previously, the business granted 542,583 unit shares worth Rs. 5.42 crores to project-affected Sankhuwasabha District residents, of which only 505,780 were given to legitimate applicants. As a result, the remaining 36,803 unsubscribed shares of project-affected locals are added to the 10,85,167 units (20% of the issued capital designated for the general public) to produce a total of 11,21,970 units for the general public.
From Baisakh 19, Ghorahi Cement Industry will provide IPO shares at a premium price to Dang District residents and Nepalese working abroad.
Ghorahi Cement Industry Limited (GCIL) has issued an offer letter to provide an Initial Public Offering (IPO) to Dang District residents and Nepalese people living overseas.
The initial public offering (IPO) for locals and Nepalese citizens working abroad will take place from the 19th of Baisakh to the 2nd of Jestha, 2080. It should be noted that if the problem is not subscribed to by the early closing date for Dang District residents, it may be prolonged until the 17th Jestha. However, the early closure date for Nepalese people working overseas will not be extended.
Nepal Stock Exchange App (NEPSE App) on Google Play
In recent years, the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) has become a popular destination for investors looking to invest in the Nepali stock market. As technology continues to advance, investors now have access to an app that makes it easy to keep track of their investments and stay informed about the latest market trends. The NEPSE app is a powerful tool that provides investors with real-time information, market news, and trading alerts, all in one place.
Download Official NEPSE APP on Google Play
One of the most significant advantages of the NEPSE app is its ease of use. The app is designed to be user-friendly, with a clean interface that allows investors to access all the information they need quickly. Investors can easily view their portfolio, market trends, and company news with just a few taps on their mobile devices. This makes it easy for investors to stay on top of their investments and make informed decisions based on the latest information.
The NEPSE app also provides real-time information about the Nepali stock market. Investors can view the latest market trends, stock prices, and trading volumes, allowing them to make informed decisions about their investments. The app also provides trading alerts, which notify investors when a stock reaches a certain price or when there is a significant change in the market. This allows investors to react quickly to market changes and make timely decisions.
Another significant advantage of the NEPSE app is its ability to provide investors with company news and information. The app provides up-to-date information on companies listed on the Nepali stock market, including financial reports, press releases, and company announcements. This allows investors to stay informed about the companies they are invested in and make informed decisions based on the latest news.
Overall, the NEPSE app is a powerful tool for investors looking to invest in the Nepali stock market. With its ease of use, real-time information, and company news, the app provides investors with the information they need to make informed decisions about their investments. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that more investors will turn to apps like the NEPSE app to stay informed about the markets and make smart investment decisions.
Download Official NEPSE APP on Google Play
The application deadline for the “Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund” has been extended till Baisakh 20.
Citizens Capital Limited has extended the deadline for the general public to invest in the mutual fund scheme “Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund” until the 20th Baisakh, 2080. The problem began on the 6th of Baisakh and was intended to end today, the 10th of Baisakh, 2080. However, because the problem manager did not get a sufficient number of applications, the deadline has been extended until Baisakh 20.
15% or 1.50 crore units worth Rs. 15 crores have been allotted to the fund promoter Citizens Bank International Limited, with the remaining 8.5 crores going to the general public.