Suggest me on the best SIP to purchase.

Suggest me on the best SIP to purchase. 1

Hello guys! I am not informed about things related to investments. I want to do a SIP for me, my wife and my son. I want it to be open ended. I prefer a fund that invests more on equity than in debt and would like one where dividend is automatically reinvested.

Are there SIP funds in Nepal which invest in Blue chip only or hydro only or Banking only ?

I am planning to do 3000 NRs per month for all three of us. So, basically, a little over 1 lakh per year. Other than that all of us fill out IPOs.

I have also signed up a 3000/month SIP for my wife and son at NMB Saral Bachat. I did that not knowing anything. One of my colleagues was encouraged me on to do that and I thought that may be a good thing.

But now, I want to do a proper SIP for all three of us. I run a small business and as such do not get enough time to focus on other aspects of investing/trading. So, I do not generally have the time to study and invest.

I have like 5 lakh rupees in my son’s savings account right now. That’s money he earned on birthdays and festivals. I want to invest that for my son’s future. Where do you think would be a good place to put that money to good use?

View on r/NepalStock by badanp


3 responses to “Suggest me on the best SIP to purchase.”

  1. Want2PaakU Avatar

    As mentioned by another commentor, mutual fund with least expense ratio will be better for long term. Based on youtube video comparison, it was NIBL sahabhagita fund. But it gave only 4% dividend this year. Its NAV is currently 9.67. So you could try lumpsum investment now instead of incremental investment for your son’s savings.
    I also had some investment in mutual fund but I am thinking of switching to buying stocks by taking loss.

    Another option you could try is wait for few days and allocate some fund to buy tamakoshi share in auction since significant amount of shares were unsubscribed. Sell those after it is allocated or hold for long term.

    I am just noname redditor without any experience/expertise. So take my suggestions with grain of salt.

  2. Shishirc25 Avatar

    NIBL sahabagita fund is good i guess.
    Try looking at it once.

  3. FinalSurgeOfDopamine Avatar

    Whichever has the lowest expense ratio

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