Looking for stocks on loan all major liquid Nepse stocks for fixed amount of time and to be returned after the time end. In return will get interest rate as per NRB rate.
View on r/NepalStock by NefariousnessOk4050
Looking for stocks on loan all major liquid Nepse stocks for fixed amount of time and to be returned after the time end. In return will get interest rate as per NRB rate.
View on r/NepalStock by NefariousnessOk4050
only broker can sell you in credit if you are big players.. which most broker are not doing now, even for big players. previously, collateral used to be 1:4 – which happened based on cheque and you didn’t even have to pay actual money for collateral. now collateral is 1:1, and is loaded only after actual money is transfered.
impossible/ illegal kura yeta nagara
K bhanya
What? Why?
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