The existing promoter of Prabhu Bank Limited (PRVU) has announced the auction of 3,68,084 units of promoter shares. This auction is exclusively open to current promoter shareholders, who can place their bids within 35 days from the notice publication date, i.e., 8th Jestha. Interested promoter shareholders must submit their bids at the bank’s central office located at Babarmahal, Kathmandu. Should no bids be received within this period, the shares will subsequently be auctioned to the general public.
In a parallel development, Prabhu Bank Limited is also auctioning 6,56,234 units of promoter shares to the general public and institutions. This auction is open for bids as of today, 8th Jestha, 2081, following no bids from existing shareholders within the allocated timeframe. Interested bidders from the general public are invited to place their bids within 15 days from the notice date at the bank’s central office in Babarmahal, Kathmandu.
As of the latest trading session, PRVU shares closed at Rs. 149.50, while PRVUPO has a last traded price (LTP) of Rs. 100.00.
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