View on r/NepalStock by Schweezed
Just finished this 3hr podcast. Got some great insights about Nepal’s market from such a optimistic personality Mr. Ajay Shrestha. Recommended to everyone and did enjoyed it thoroughly

3 responses to “Just finished this 3hr podcast. Got some great insights about Nepal’s market from such a optimistic personality Mr. Ajay Shrestha. Recommended to everyone and did enjoyed it thoroughly”
Description: Mr Ajay Shestha is MD of icapital ltd and alpha capital ltd. Public director at BNL, Instructor at Nepalipaisa and manages his Fintech company named sourcecode and have a real estate company as well
Who is Ajay Shrestha? Bhanera ni halka description rakhdinu hola.
Over dami, great insights on nepse.a must watch for everyone
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