The price of gold has seen a notable increase of Rs. 500 per tola compared to yesterday’s trading value, according to the latest report from the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association (FENEGOSIDA). Fine gold is now priced at Rs. 1,36,000 per tola, marking a surge of Rs. 500 from the previous rate of Rs. 1,35,500 per tola. Similarly, Tejabi gold is priced at Rs. 1,35,350 per tola today, up by Rs. 500 from yesterday’s price of Rs. 1,34,850 per tola.
The peak of this surge was recorded on April 19th, 2024, when fine gold reached an all-time high of Rs. 1,39,300 per tola. Additionally, silver has experienced a rise of Rs. 10 per tola, with the current market value at Rs. 1,670 per tola compared to yesterday’s closing rate of Rs. 1,660 per tola.
While the domestic market witnesses an upward trend in prices, the international market holds significant influence. The current gold rate stands at $2,325.50 per ounce, while silver is also showing positive momentum internationally, with prices reaching $27.33 per ounce.
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