Difference between GBILD86/87 and Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME)?

Difference between GBILD86/87 and Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME)? 1

are these two different companies they have different share prices? can anyone explain?

View on r/NepalStock by bitminer_626


3 responses to “Difference between GBILD86/87 and Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME)?”

  1. motivateMe012 Avatar

    Debenture and equity shares

  2. berojgar_keto Avatar

    a simple google search would answer your question

  3. Various_Ad14 Avatar

    GBILD86/87 is a deventure issued by Global Ime Bank. It provides 8.5% of facevalue to the deventure holders each year and in year 86/87 it will return the facevalue to investers.

    whereas GBIME is shares of global ime bank.

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