Book close date kei din kinda eligible huncha ki nai?

Book close date kei din kinda eligible huncha ki nai? 1

Right share bhaye ni bonus bhaye ni, Aaja book close date cha bhane aajai stock kinyo re. Eligible huncha?
Bonus share ko book close pachi chai price adjust hune huncha.
Right share ko book close pachi ni testai huncha? Manche haru dherai sell garchan close date pachi?

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6 responses to “Book close date kei din kinda eligible huncha ki nai?”

  1. Away-Sand-9948 Avatar

    Kinesi adjust vako xa vane eligible hunxa

  2. JackThorne30 Avatar

    The answer is no — eligible hudaina. Book close date means the book are closed on that day, so the shareholder books are open till one day earlier only.

  3. Rageagainstworld Avatar

    YES stock traded by the eod of BC date are eligible for bonus/right

  4. AwkwardJuggernaut589 Avatar

    purchasing price dherai cha bhane you get the bonus/right share…purchasing price degrade bhaisakyo xa bhane you wont..either way you wont get scammed by purchasing at high and not getting the bonus…

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