
  • Daily Discussion Thread (Tuesday – Dec 13, 2022)

    Daily Discussion Thread (Tuesday – Dec 13, 2022)

    Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch today and in the coming days.

    As always, the rules still apply.

    **Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** >!DO NOT create another post.!<

    BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](


    * what to buy or sell,
    * or what bank to buy,
    * or what insurance to buy,
    * yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
    * IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

    will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

    Happy Investing!

    View on r/NepalStock by AutoModerator

  • Daily Discussion Thread (Wednesday – Dec 14, 2022)

    Daily Discussion Thread (Wednesday – Dec 14, 2022)

    Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch today and in the coming days.

    As always, the rules still apply.

    **Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** >!DO NOT create another post.!<

    BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](


    * what to buy or sell,
    * or what bank to buy,
    * or what insurance to buy,
    * yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
    * IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

    will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

    Happy Investing!

    View on r/NepalStock by AutoModerator

  • Market Weekend Discussion (Thursday Dec 15 – Saturday Dec 17, 2022)

    Market Weekend Discussion (Thursday Dec 15 – Saturday Dec 17, 2022)

    Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch this weekend and in the coming days.

    As always, the rules still apply.

    **Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker Issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** DO NOT create another post.

    BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](


    * what to buy or sell,
    * or what bank to buy,
    * or what insurance to buy,
    * yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
    * IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

    will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

    Happy Investing!

    View on r/NepalStock by AutoModerator

  • Why did the prices of NIFRA shares drop the way it did?

    Why did the prices of NIFRA shares drop the way it did?

    NIFRA rised sharply at first and then dropped a little, which seemed like the prices were stabilizing or something like that. but now it has fallen way below the price of other similar shares. What may have caused this?

    View on r/NepalStock by tessell8r

  • Among two merging companies, whould I buy one with lower ltp?

    Among two merging companies, whould I buy one with lower ltp?

    If two companies are merging in the ratio of 1:1, then it is better to buy stock having lower price, isn’t it?
    for instance, kbl and nccb are merging in 1:1 ratio. So its better to buy NCCB(ltp179.70) than KBL(ltp 183.30). Am I right here?

    View on r/NepalStock by ShoddyStreet677

  • Insider Trading in Nepal is rampant! Is SEBON finally waking up?

    Insider Trading in Nepal is rampant! Is SEBON finally waking up?

    How do your see the current news about the illegal trading of shares (insider trading) of Ridi Power Company Ltd?


    Ref: [](

    View on r/NepalStock by CAKaiLAW

  • Daily Discussion Thread (Sunday – Dec 18, 2022)

    Daily Discussion Thread (Sunday – Dec 18, 2022)

    Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch today and in the coming days.

    As always, the rules still apply.

    **Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** >!DO NOT create another post.!<

    BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](


    * what to buy or sell,
    * or what bank to buy,
    * or what insurance to buy,
    * yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
    * IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

    will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

    Happy Investing!

    View on r/NepalStock by AutoModerator

  • Will FOWAD rebound again this time, or will it go further down?

    Will FOWAD rebound again this time, or will it go further down?

    FOWAD Trading near 200 WMA, it has rebounded last 5 times and had given average 250-300 points. Will it rebound again this time, or will it go further down?

    What’s your view?

    Last Post few months back when it hit last 200 WMA: [Is it right time to buy FOWAD? : NepseHub (](


    View on r/NepalStock by AcadBuddy

  • MFIL forgoes dividend for this fiscal year ?

    MFIL forgoes dividend for this fiscal year ?

    What are your thoughts on MFIL ? Shall i sell this today ?

    View on r/NepalStock by Ill-Ebb593

  • Daily Discussion Thread (Monday – Dec 19, 2022)

    Daily Discussion Thread (Monday – Dec 19, 2022)

    Use this post to discuss what to buy/sell/trade/avoid/watch today and in the coming days.

    As always, the rules still apply.

    **Have a TMS or Meroshare issue? Query about EDIS or collateral? Ask here instead of creating another thread. All queries regarding TMS, MeroShare, Broker issues, EDIS, Settlement and Payments should be asked here.** >!DO NOT create another post.!<

    BEGINNER? [**Go here first!**](


    * what to buy or sell,
    * or what bank to buy,
    * or what insurance to buy,
    * yo share kati samma mathi jancha hola
    * IPO ma pareko yo share kun din bechda ramro hola, ajhai 1-2 din parkhine ki nai etc.

    will be deleted. Repeat violators will be banned.

    Happy Investing!

    View on r/NepalStock by AutoModerator

  • Mutual Fund ko value negative vaneko k ho?

    Mutual Fund ko value negative vaneko k ho?

    2019 sep/nov tira **GIMES1** ko market value negative ma dekha xa. `-4 tira (nepsealpha ko chart ma)`

    aaru aaru mutual fund ko ni nepsealpha ko technical analysis chart anusar negative ma dekha xa.`(kunai kunai bela negative ma puya raicha)`

    Yo vaneko k ho? launa help gardina paryo.

    View on r/NepalStock by sebak_thapa