1. What is meant by BO level frozen for debit. How can I unfreeze it and free my balance?
2. What is meant by lock in balance in meroshare and why dies this occur? What can I do to bring it to free balance?
View on r/NepalStock by sebak_thapa
1. What is meant by BO level frozen for debit. How can I unfreeze it and free my balance?
2. What is meant by lock in balance in meroshare and why dies this occur? What can I do to bring it to free balance?
View on r/NepalStock by sebak_thapa
renew your dmat and meroshare account
Basically the reasons for the occuring of this event
– unrenewed demat
– unrenewed meroshare
– if you have taken loan from equity in your portfolio (probably you didn’t have this, you seem beginner)
– previous selling not settled yet. (Untransferred share )
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